RCMP investigating assault allegations in Fruitvale crowd incident during junior game between Beaver Valley and Grand Forks ...
A man in a wheelchair was hit by a train at a South Surrey railway crossing Sunday night. The incident happened just before ...
Delbert Soles to receive a Silver Medal for Bravery at the 113th Annual Commonwealth Awards for Honour and Rescue ...
Nanaimo RCMP officers were not acting unlawfully when a woman being arrested suffered a broken arm, according to the ...
"Fishery officers found 312 oysters, which is 300 more than the daily limit of 12," the report says.
According to the B.C. Attorney General, the $6.25 million in the legacy and research funds has been transferred to Selkirk ...
Surrey-raised Tenta, who died in 2006, 'awed fans across the world with his incredible size and memorable rivalry with Hulk ...
The WHL hosted a media event at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre on Tuesday (March 25) morning to announce Chilliwack's return ...
Male suspect entered the Scotiabank in Sidney on March 24, approached a teller and presented a note demanding cash ...
The carbon tax is set to be eliminated in B.C. as of April 1, with the NDP set to table the legislation the day prior. A ...
An avalanche near Kaslo has killed three skiers and critically injured another. The incident Monday occurred in an alpine ...
Toronto's Kirk Dunn created his solo show after 15 years of knitting, an 'incredible journey of self-doubt and learning' ...