The group in charge of carrying out Donald Trump's executive order to declassify 'six decades of secrecy' has made a promise ...
The woman claimed she and the ape used to laugh together, but to Bokito there was nothing funny about her behaviour ...
If you've been fancying a career change, a truck driver has revealed the highs and lows of the job as well as how much he earns ...
The owner of a Harry Potter themed Airbnb in Watford has revealed the property was left damaged by recent guests in a series ...
Brad Sigmon, an inmate who has been on death row for over two decades, made a chilling comment after admitting to his crimes.
US man Gordon Cordeiro has been released from prison after 30 years after new DNA evidence revealed he didn't commit the ...
Usain Bolt shared what time he thinks he'd get if he ran the 100 metres today after winning eight Olympic gold medals.
Brad Signom has been on death row since 2001 and will be the first US prisoner to executed via this method since 2010.
A cruise blogger has revealed 'five foods' you may want to avoid eating on a cruise, and some may surprise you.
Reeves has made over $200 million from continued negotiated backend fees, according to the outlet. This means he got a share ...
Parents who thought their son had been 'dead for six months' were understandably surprised after he called them up.
Redditors vowed 'never' to swim outside a pool again after a video showed what happened when a man threw some food off an oil ...