Daniel Schoess hat für seine Masterarbeit den Wissenschaftspreis 2025 der EHI Stiftung und GS1 Germany erhalten. Der MSc MTEC ...
From today’s perspective, the word “map” sounds rather outdated and antiquated, and yet maps and map-related products are more present than ever before in our everyday lives. I’m thinking here about ...
Der Begriff «Landkarte» tönt aus heutiger Sicht etwas verstaubt und altbacken, dennoch sind Karten und kartenverwandte Produkte mehr denn je in unserem Alltag präsent. Ich denke da etwa an interaktive ...
In den letzten Jahren haben geopolitische Konflikte weltweit zu Spannungen an Hochschulen geführt. Auch an der ETH Zürich ...
After studying for a BSc and MSc at ETH Zurich, Sally Liu is now a doctoral student carrying out research in the Drug Formulation and Delivery group in the Department of Chemistry and Applied ...
In July 2024, after a tumultuous year for universities worldwide in response to geopolitical crises and events, ETH President Joel Mesot appointed an Ad Hoc Commission on Institutional Positioning.
Modulators can be used to convert electrical signals into optical signals. ETH Zurich researchers have presented a new speed record: data transmission with a frequency of over a terahertz. The ...
The Novonesis Biotechnology Prize recognises outstanding research and technological contributions that advance biotechnological science for innovative solutions. It aims to raise awareness of both ...
An den Informatiktagen geben das Departement Informatik, das ETH AI Center, die Informatikdienste der ETH Zürich, das Swiss Data Science Center sowie mehrere ETH-Spin-offs und Start-ups (neben vielen ...
Mit Modulatoren lassen sich elektrische Signale in optische Signale umwandeln. ETH-Forschende präsentieren einen Geschwindigkeitsrekord: die Datenübertragung mit einer Frequenz von über einem ...
At the Informatiktage, the Department of Informatics, the ETH AI Center, the IT Services of ETH Zurich, the Swiss Data Science Center and several ETH spin-offs and start-ups (along with many other ...
As in the last four years, ETH Zurich comes first in the following three disciplines: Earth and Marine Sciences, Geology and Geophysics. That is according to the World University Rankings by subject ...