Anthony Hopkins is in a new villainous form in the thriller Locked, and according to the actor, it's a part unlike any he's ...
Locked’ director David Yarovesky says custom lenses were built to shoot inside an SUV to capture Anthony Hopkins’ torture of ...
On the flip side of things, Hopkins brings a malevolent gravitas to William, calling on his iconic tenure as Hannibal Lecter ...
Joel Schumacher found success by confining Colin Farrell to a pay phone in “Phone Booth,” Willem Dafoe charmed audiences ...
A review of 'Locked' in which petty thief Bill Skarsgård steals an SUV from Anthony Hopkins and lives to regret it.
Directed by David Yaroevsky (Brightburn'), this containment thriller set in a car fails to take audiences on a memorable ...
A car thief gets trapped in a luxury SUV by its diabolical owner in this remake of an Argentinian film, produced by Sam Raimi ...
Film Review, a movie directed by David Yarovesky, written by Mariano Cohn, Gaston Duprat and Michael Arlen Ross and starring Bill ...
A psychopathic vigilante bent on meting out extreme punishment to people who deserve it is nothing new. But a rare few do it ...
While shooting “Dunkirk” for Christopher Nolan, Sasaki had an idea of a lens with an elbow joint, but never got to build it — until “Locked.” David Yarovesky directs Anthony Hopkins in ...
You would not be crazy if you confused Steven Knight’s 2013 man-confined-in-a-car movie Locke with director David Yarovesky’s new thriller Locked ... named William (Anthony Hopkins) has ...