A new species of mouse with a remarkably long tail, dubbed Otavalo’s Andean mouse, has been discovered near a dormant volcano ...
Teams of mountaineering mice have shown how species adapt to localized conditions in order to thrive across diverse environments.
an innate and irreversible self-destruct button to prevent a species from overpopulating its habitat,” wrote Fredrick Kunkle ...
Highland deer mice and their lowland cousins ventured on a simulated seven-week ascent to 6,000 meters. By tracking how the mice responded to cold stress and progressively lower oxygen levels, the ...
A bobcat, with its characteristic reddish fur and black markings, trots across a snow-covered field in central Oregon, in the ...
Blooms from this abundant plant occur about every 50 years. Here's why it causes a rat flood and, ultimately, famine in ...
The evening is calm with a pleasant temperature. I take a walk to the lake. Along the route to this wetland, I pass through a forest of mostly oaks and maples. With leaves falling from the trees, the ...
Why do mice have tails? The answer to this is not as simple as you might think. New research from the Okinawa Institute of ...
The types of bacteria present in the gut could influence an individual's stress response over time, according to the findings ...
Teams of mountaineering mice are helping advance understanding into how evolutionary adaptation to localized conditions can enable a single species to ...