Yesterday, the CBC reported that Canada has already paid for its first 16 F-35As, with delivery scheduled for early 2026.
"Europe’s real hope still lies in the people, many of whom have shown that they have had enough of seeing their traditions ...
A picture of the beautiful village of Øye, also located on the banks of the Norangsfjord. On the left, we see the elegant ...
On the occasion of his inauguration, Trump framed what he called the "common sense revolution" in terms that broadly echoed what many conservatives advocate, especially his measures to end the ...
Adiós al Teniente Coronel David Hamilton, último aviador de los Pathfinders del Día D Tadeusz Cisek: adiós a un polaco que ...
Donald Trump ganó las elecciones presidenciales en Estados Unidos en noviembre con un discurso "antiwoke" que cautivó a ...
Durante los 35 años transcurridos desde el fin de la Guerra Fría, los expertos occidentales y las élites políticas nos han ...
Una imagen del bello pueblo de Øye, situado también a orillas del Norangsfjorden. Vemos a la izquierda el elegante edificio ...
Ayer, la CBC señalaba que Canadá ya ha desembolsado el dinero para sus primeros 16 F-35A, cuya entrega está prevista para ...