By late February, just one month into his term, his net approval rating − which is calculated as the difference between a ...
President Donald Trump moved to dismantle the Department of Education and released JFK files. What do voters think in Utah?
Recent polling sheds light on how the nation views President Donald Trump. What do voters think? See approval ratings, ...
President Donald Trump has struggled to gain approval from the public on his handling of key issues on which he campaigned.
According to the most recent Gallup poll, Trump's job approval rating was averaging 46% since he took office in this second ...
Men have consistently been more likely than women to support Republicans since 1980, making them a crucial voting bloc for ...
President Donald Trump and Republicans are at a record high with voters as Democrats falter in the eyes of voters.
See what newest polls say US, Mississippi residents think about President Trump and his policies. How does term compare to ...
Independents' changing perception of Trump is driving down his approval rating, according to a new YouGov poll.