This database describes the cover cropping strategies, detailed practices, benefits, and challenges of experienced cover crop ...
In addition to delivering nutrition lessons for the 113 preschoolers at eight Head Start sites across Calaveras County, the ...
Toyon Thorns/Spines? How is this plant unsafe? How do you plant safely? No Unripe berries are poisonous because they contain ...
Here we share insights and strategies for success from experienced cover crop growers as we relate their practices and ...
Dr. Erin DiCaprio is an Associate Professor of Cooperative Extension in the Department of Food Science and Technology at the University of California Davis.  She has a B.S. in Biology from Virginia ...
Consumers have faced reduced egg supplies and high egg prices. A recent article by University of California, Davis ...
Spinelli is the new Production Horticulture Advisor serving the Nursery and Floriculture industry in San Diego. Gerry conducts applied research, extension, and education to improve viability and ...
The 2025 California Date Palm Workshop will be held on April 23 in Palm Desert at the UC Riverside Palm Desert Center. Anyone ...
A successful harvest in orchard and vineyard crops begins with a viable spring bloom and fruit set. Given the importance of this stage of crop development, spring frosts during bloom and early fruit ...
Youth Retention Study (YRS) has identified five teams that work on the various aspects of the research project. There are a total of approximately 20 Extension youth development professionals ...
Leveraging an in-kind match from the Marin Community Foundation and disaster planning expertise from Swardenski Consulting, this implementation project will develop, pilot, and implement a model ...
Danielle Lee is a registered dietitian and public health nutritionist working to increase access to healthy and sustainable food. Her work at the UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute (NPI) focuses on ...