Russian President Vladimir Putin prayed for President Donald Trump after Trump was shot at a rally last year, special envoy ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he prayed for “his friend” Donald Trump after an assassin’s bullet grazed the then ...
Russian leader Vladimir Putin claims he rushed over to his local church and prayed to God for President Trump’s safety during ...
Newly released documents related to President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963 are giving curious readers more details ...
President John F. Kennedy’s killing planted the seeds for the belief that shadowy bureaucrats could be conspiring against the ...
Social media users claim a 1994 death threat letter signed JFK Jr. and addressed to Joe Biden are in JFK files on ...
The release of the John F. Kennedy papers sets a standard for transparency that must also be applied to the current ...
Newly released JFK assassination files reveal government intelligence gaps and raise questions about transparency.
The John F. Kennedy assassination documents released this week disclosed sensitive personal information, including Social ...
Buried in the latest batch of released files on the assassination JFK were fresh details about what one of the infamous ...
Scholars say the papers are unlikely to include dramatic revelations but could shed light on lingering questions — including ...
The long-awaited release could shed more light on what Fidel Castro or the CIA knew before the 1963 killing.